Last updated: October 15, 2022

 This Privacy Policy discloses the privacy practices for and the Soul Attorney™ brand which operates under Soul Attorney Inc.. This Privacy Policy  (herein the “Policy”) encompasses all interactions you have with the entire Soul Attorney™ brand and represents the official Privacy Policy for Soul Attorney Inc. The Soul Attorney ™ is committed to protecting your privacy and data security—this policy will tell you how we do that.

We reserve the right to make changes to this Policy at any given time. If you want to make sure that you are up to date, we advise you to frequently visit this page. If we decide to utilize the personally identifiable information in any other manner than prescribed when initially collected, you will be notified by email.

By using and any affiliated social media accounts, you are expressly consenting to the data collection and use procedures expressed in this Policy.


Every organization under PIPEDA must have a designated privacy officer responsible for ensuring compliance. If you have any concerns about your privacy or personal information that you have given Soul Attorney Inc. or need to make a change to your personal information in our possession, or wish to withdraw consent, you may contact us at [email protected]


For the purposes of PIPEDA and this policy, personal information is any information that is about you as an identifiable individual. This includes things like your name, ethnicity, marital status, educational level, personal email address, Internet protocol (IP) address, physical details, social insurance number (SIN) or other identification numbers, and financial information.

Personal information does not include business contact information, such as your work title, work address, work email, or work phone number.


It is always up to you whether to disclose personally identifiable information to us, although if you elect not to do so, we reserve the right not to register you as a user or provide you with any products or services.

We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contacts from you, or by information collected when you visit our Site, including cookies, third party tracking technologies, such as Google analytics, and server logs.

Where Soul Attorney Inc. collects your personal information on this website is through the Application Form. This form collects your name, email address, details of your enquiry, and details regarding your availability, for the purpose of communicating with you regarding potential services that Soul Attorney™ may provide to you. If you submit information to us through this form, we will rely on that action as your implied consent to collecting, using, and disclosing to us the information shared through that form, for this purpose of exploring a potential retainer, engagement of services, or otherwise connection and collaboration.

We will do our best to only collect the minimum information required to provide you with the services you have requested. 


We will not sell or rent this information to anyone.

We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfil your request.

Unless you ask us not to, we may contact you via email in the future to tell you about promotions, new products or services, or changes to this privacy policy.

We also use various third-party social media features, such as but not limited to:  Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook. These may collect your IP address and require cookies to work properly. These services are governed by the privacy policies of the providers and are not within the control of Soul Attorney™.


Soul Attorney Inc. will only ever collect, use, or disclose your personal information with your consent. There are some important exceptions, which we will explain at the end of this section.

Your consent should be informed. Informed consent means you are aware of why and how Soul Attorney™ will collect, use, or disclose your personal information, at the time you give us consent to do so.

Your consent can be implied or expressly given. Where consent is considered implied, we will not seek explicit consent from you, and rely on the assumption that you have consented to the collection, use, and disclosure of your information for particular purposes.

At times, Soul Attorney™ may or must obtain express consent from you. In these cases, we will obtain your consent either verbally or in writing, including through electronic communications.

Implied Consent

If you retain the services of Soul Attorney Inc., such as through the purchase of a digital product or requesting legal mentorship & business consulting services, we will consider you have given implied informed consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information necessary to carrying out the work that we have agreed to complete for you. This includes collection, use, and disclosure of your information for the purposes listed under the section below, “PURPOSE OF COLLECTION: WHAT DO WE USE YOUR INFORMATION FOR?”

We also rely on your implied consent to disclose the personal information you have given us to third parties if it is a necessary part of the services we are providing you. When you give us your personal information, whether upon request or whether you gave the information without us requesting it from you, we consider that you have given implied informed consent for Soul Attorney Inc. to collect, use, and disclose that information in accordance with the Purposes listed below.

Express Consent

At times, such as if there is particularly sensitive information involved or we would like to use previously collected information for a new purpose, we will ask you for express consent as to its collection, use, or disclosure, and will give you reasons for the request. We will ask for your consent either verbally (in person, videoconference, voice note, or over the phone), or in writing (through mail or electronic communications).  

Exceptions to Consent Requirement

Under PIPEDA, Soul Attorney Inc. may collect, use, or disclose your personal information without express or implied consent from you in certain situations, including the following: 

  • If the notice given in asking for express consent would compromise the availability or accuracy of the information sought;
  • If the information is collected as part of investigating a breach of contract or an illegal act in Canadian federal or provincial law;
  • Collecting a debt owed;
  • To comply with a subpoena, warrant, order, or rules of court; and/or
  • If the information is publicly available under certain circumstances, described in the PIPEDA regulations.

Withdrawing Your Consent

You may withdraw your consent at any time, to our collecting, using, or disclosing your personal information. However, please be aware this may be subject to legal or contractual restrictions, and we will require reasonable notice to implement your request. Your withdrawal of consent may also impact our ability to provide you with the services you have requested.

If you would like to withdraw consent from Soul Attorney™ for the collection, usage, or disclosure of any of your personal information, please contact us at the information provided at the top of this page.

All users and visitors to our website have the option to discontinue receiving communications from us by way of email or newsletters. To discontinue or unsubscribe from our website please send an email that you wish to unsubscribe to [email protected]. We will continue to adhere to this policy with respect to any personal information previously collected.


We take precautions to protect your information against unauthorized access, unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage. Any information submitted to us via the website is protected both online and offline. However, no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is 100% guaranteed, therefore we can only guarantee a reasonable level of absolute security of your personally identifiable information.

In nearly all cases, we collect the information directly from you, through electronic communications, verbally, over the phone, in face-to-face meetings, on paper, or through portable devices such as USB keys if appropriate.We store collected information in forms or otherwise in documents generated in the course of our work. The documents themselves are stored on an offline, encrypted, and password-protected computer hard drive.

While we use encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted online, we also protect your information offline. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job are granted access to personally identifiable information. The computers/servers in which we store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment.


Soul Attorney Inc. will only use your personal information for the purposes that we have explained to you upon or before collecting it, such as the purposes set out in this policy. If, afterward, we wish to use the information for a different purpose, we will obtain further consent from you specifically for that purpose.  The only times this would not happen are if the use, collection, or disclosure falls under one of the consent requirement exceptions listed above.

Email Marketing

Soul Attorney™ does currently engage in email marketing such as sending regular firm updates, sending newsletters, or maintaining a subscription mailing list. If you do not consent to receive emails in this capacity, you may withdraw consent. You may also opt out of any email marketing communications by contacting us at [email protected] at the contact information provided at the top of the page or within the body of the said email.   


From time to time, Soul Attorney Inc. may need to disclose your personal information to a third-party contractor, in order to carry out our work for you. Examples include a printing service, document scanning, storage, or outside professional advice. 

If we have to disclose your personal information to a third party for any reason, we will disclose the minimum necessary to complete the relevant task, on a need-to-know basis, through electronic communications, in-person communications, or over the phone or videoconferencing. We will also use best efforts to ensure the third party is also subject to PIPEDA or privacy laws in their own jurisdiction, subject to privacy laws and professional confidentiality obligations, or bound to privacy and data protection compliance through contractual clauses or confidentiality agreements. By retaining our services, you consent to Soul Attorney Inc. disclosing your personal information to third parties in the course of providing services to you.

Soul Attorney™ does not and will never sell your personal information or data, knowingly give your data to marketers or advertisers, or trade on giving away personal information to third parties (for example, trading or providing a client mailing list to another law firm or organization).

There are some circumstances under which Soul Attorney™ may disclose your personal information without your consent, as listed under “Consent Requirement Exceptions” above. This includes, for example, if we are required by law to disclose the information, and if the information is already on the public record and disclosure is directly related to the reason that the information is on the public record.

Soul Attorney™ uses the third-party online services listed below in its day-to-day operations. Where reasonably possible, we have chosen services that demonstrate greater care for and commitment to their users’ privacy, through built-in encryption or other enhanced security features, or are subject to strong privacy laws in their home jurisdictions.

By retaining the services of Soul Attorney Inc. you consent to your personal information being sent to or through and processed by these third-party services, to the extent necessary to carry out the work we have agreed to do for you.

If you use any other services in communicating or working with us—such as, for example, Google Mail for email or Zoom or Skype for videoconferencing—then Soul Attorney™ will consider you have granted us implied consent to use these services and disclose your information to them for processing.

Please keep in mind that with all online communications and services, there is very little to no absolute security. Your retaining our services and granting consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your information as described in this Privacy Policy indicates that you grant us your informed consent having acknowledged and accepted this.


We will keep your personal information for as long as necessary to provide all of the services and complete all of the work that you have retained us to do.

Beyond that, we will keep and store your information as required or permitted by law for a duration that may extend beyond the end of our working relationship. The reason for this retention is to prevent or be able to investigate potential fraud or future abuse, to defend ourselves in the event of future complaints or legal claims, or for operational purposes such as building precedents and maintaining records of work performed and services provided.

All information that we retain is protected by the terms of this Privacy Policy.

The data we collect from you will be stored for no longer than necessary, based on how long your information remains relevant, the length of time it is reasonable to keep records to demonstrate that we have fulfilled our duties and obligations, any limitation periods prescribed by law within which claims might be made, the type of contract we have with you, the existence of your consent and our legitimate interest in keeping such information as stated in this policy. In any event, only for as long as the Data Protection Legislation allows.

We also retain contact information for future communications purposes, which you will always be able to opt out of.

Once we have determined that it is legally and reasonably safe to destroy files or documents containing your information, or if we are legally required to destroy the files or documents, then Soul Attorney Inc. will do this in two ways:

  • Electronically, by deleting all known electronic copies of the information in our possession
  • Physically, by shredding and discarding all known hard copies of the information in our possession


Soul Attorney™ safeguards your information in the following ways:

Our office is almost entirely paperless, so there is little in the way of physical access to your information. Where information is available in physical form (such as hard copy documents), however, we keep it in secured areas with restricted access, and such documents are destroyed shortly after use (if applicable). The electronic devices we use (desktop & laptop computer and mobile phone) are password-secured and encrypted, and we take great care in ensuring they are not lost, stolen, misplaced, or left unattended when outside of the office or home.

As described above, we will only ever disclose personal information to third parties on a need-to-know basis and for the Purposes listed above, or if we otherwise have your implied or express consent. 


If you are a California resident you have the right to request information from Soul Attorney Inc. regarding the manner in which we use and/or store your personally identifiable information and share your information with third parties. You may contact us at the following email address:   


The data controller responsible for your personal information for the purposes of GDPR compliance is: Vanessa Locicero, [email protected], +1(705) 408-1663.


Access Your Information

You may at any time request to access the personal information that Soul Attorney™ has about you. Upon receiving your request in writing, we will respond within 30 days and tell you about the existence, use, and disclosure of your personal information in our possession as well as give you access to it.

There are some situations, under PIPEDA, where we cannot grant you access to your personal information. This includes, for example:

  • information that is protected by solicitor-client privilege;
  • information that is produced in the course of formal dispute resolution;
  • information about another person that would disclose confidential commercial information; and
  • information that has been disclosed to law enforcement authorities, under circumstances that require us to withhold disclosing that information to others.

Modify, Correct, or Update Your Information

If you believe that any personal information we have about you is inaccurate, incomplete, or has changed, you may request at any time that we correct, complete, or update it, using the contact information above. We will not actively seek to update your information, so please notify us promptly once you are aware. Once you inform us, we will do our best to ensure that relevant third parties that have obtained your information from us also correct, update, or complete it in their own records.

Remove Your Information

If you would like us to destroy the personal information that we have about you, please see the section near the beginning of this Policy on withdrawing consent.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Policy, please feel free to contact us at the following email address: [email protected]. If you feel that we are not abiding by this privacy policy, you should contact us immediately.



This privacy policy was written and last updated on October 15, 2022.


If you have a privacy complaint and Soul Attorney Inc. has not addressed or resolved it to your satisfaction, you may contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC), using one of the channels provided here.